9 Tips for Successfully Managing Multiple Laundromats

Running a multi-store laundromat business is a lucrative opportunity. Steady cash flow, low failure rates, and minimal inventory requirements make it an attractive route for budding entrepreneurs and seasoned laundromat owners alike.

Operating multiple laundromat locations may seem intimidating. From coordinating operational efforts across different sites to maintaining standardized, top-quality customer service, a multi-store laundry business can be as demanding as it is profitable.

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Think of it this way: one of the basic reasons why laundromats are lucrative lies in their self-service business model. This model results in low labor costs and scalable profitability, particularly when expanded to multiple locations. For investors with strategic vision, operating a chain of laundromats can provide an impressive return on investment.
Multi-location laundromats pose more benefits such as economies of scale. Bulk purchases of supplies and shared marketing costs across locations can help reduce overall expenses. You can also capitalize on brand recognition, attracting customers to your business regardless of the location.20211008_Cents_ABatz-5242 (1)-3

A multi-store laundry operation requires effective and efficient management. Tracking key performance indicators (KPIs), managing staff across different locations, and ensuring consistent service quality are vital aspects of a successful business.

Today's customers demand more than solely washing and drying facilities. They seek a pleasant ambiance, easy-to-use digital payment systems, and additional services like wash-and-fold or dry cleaning. This is why it’s important for laundromat owners to keep up-to-date with the evolving technology landscape. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some tips for successfully managing multiple laundromats and helpful software systems to consider.

As a multi-store laundromat owner, there are some things you should keep in mind to help you manage your business successfully.laundry management blog img


1. Business Goals

Establishing clear, actionable goals is essential for the success of any multi-store laundromat business. Here are some typical goals and how they can be set according to the SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound) criteria:

  • Increasing customer footfall: You might set a goal to increase customer footfall by 20% over the next six months. To achieve this, use promotional discounts, offer additional services such as dry-cleaning, or improve the ambiance of your facilities to enhance customer experience.

  • Reducing operational costs: Decreasing costs will invariably increase profit margins. Energy-efficient washing machines or LED lighting could cut your energy costs significantly.

  • Expanding to new locations: Growth is an important aspect of any business. For example, you can plan to open two new laundromats within the next two years. Conduct careful market research to identify high-demand areas and formulate a comprehensive business plan.

  • Improving customer satisfaction: A satisfied customer is likely to be a repeat customer. Perhaps you want to increase your customer satisfaction over the next six months. This might involve training your staff to offer exceptional customer service or upgrading your facilities for more comfort.

  • Increasing revenue: The objective of any laundry business is to make a solid profit. An example of a SMART goal could be to increase annual revenue by 25% by the end of the fiscal year. This could be achieved by implementing a combination of the strategies mentioned above, such as reducing operational costs, expanding customer base, and improving customer satisfaction.

  • Streamlining processes: Efficient processes can save both time and money. Maybe you aim to reduce the time spent on administrative tasks by 30% within three months. To reach this, you might consider using business management software to automate various aspects of your business, like scheduling, inventory tracking, and financial management.


2. Organization

Effective organization, crucial for running a multi-store laundromat, includes inventory management, employee scheduling, and customer data tracking. A business management platform can help you stay on track by keeping all of your information in one centralized place. 

  • Inventory management: Supplies such as laundry detergents, fabric softeners, and spare parts need to be monitored closely across all locations to prevent stockouts and reduce waste. An inventory management software can facilitate centralized, real-time tracking and optimize reordering schedules.

  • Employee scheduling: Creating fair and efficient schedules in a multi-store operation can be complex due to varying shift patterns and unexpected absences. Employee scheduling software can simplify this task, offering real-time schedule access and accounting for staff availability and preferences.

  • Customer data management: Tracking customer information like demographics, visit frequency, and spending patterns can enhance service offerings and inform marketing efforts. A laundromat management system (LMS) or similar can store, organize, and analyze this data, supporting targeted marketing and improved customer relations.


3. Delegate

You need to be able to delegate. As a multi-store business owner, you can't do everything yourself. You need to delegate tasks to your employees and trust that they will get the job done. A business management platform like Cents can help you delegate tasks by allowing you to create employee schedules and assign tasks directly from the platform.


4. Flexibility 

You need to be flexible. The business world is constantly changing and you need to be able to adapt to change. Stick to your business plan but constantly reassess what is working and what isn't. A business management platform can help you be more flexible by allowing you to make changes to your employee schedules, inventory, and customer data in real-time.employee blog img


5. Communication

You need to be able to communicate effectively. This is important for any business, but it's especially important for a multi-store business. You need to be able to communicate with your employees, customers, and suppliers. Cents can help you communicate more effectively with your employees and managers by providing you with a central place to store all of your communication and delegate tasks.

Here's how to approach effective communication with each stakeholder:

  • Employees: Transparent and regular communication fosters a productive work environment. Face-to-face meetings are valuable, but for multi-store operations, digital tools can be a game-changer.

    Use instant messaging platforms for quick updates and emails for detailed instructions. Employee scheduling software often includes communication features, allowing you to send shift updates or notifications directly to employees. Regularly seek and provide feedback to ensure mutual understanding and continuous improvement.

    Finding great laundry attendants starts with a great interview, make sure to come equipped with great interview questions to each interview.

  • Customers: It's important to keep customers informed about changes in operating hours, prices, or services. You can turn to social media, email newsletters, or SMS notifications for this purpose. Also, create channels for customers to share feedback or inquiries. For example, having an interactive website with a chat feature, or an app where customers can report issues, book services or make payments can significantly enhance customer satisfaction.

  • Suppliers: Maintaining open and timely communication with your suppliers can help ensure your inventory is always adequately stocked. Regular check-ins via phone or email can help identify potential issues before they become problems.

    A good inventory management system can automate reordering processes and even send notifications to suppliers when stock is low. 


6. Marketing

A well thought out marketing strategy can help attract and retain customers. Here are some proven strategies specific to laundromats:

  • Social media: Leverage platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to engage with customers. Post updates on services, operating hours, or special promotions. Share customer testimonials or behind-the-scenes glimpses to humanize your business. Paid social media advertising can also be useful for reaching a broader audience.

  • Loyalty programs: These can be a powerful tool for customer retention. Offer rewards like a free wash after a certain number of visits or discounts for regular customers. A digital loyalty program can be easily integrated into a business app, making it convenient for customers to track their rewards.

  • Special promotions: Offering deals during off-peak hours or on certain days can attract more customers. Consider seasonal promotions, such as discounts on blanket washing during winter. These can be advertised on your social media platforms, email newsletters, or in-store signage.

  • Partnerships: Partner with local businesses to offer cross-promotions. For example, customers of a nearby coffee shop could get a discount at your laundromat and vice versa.

  • Community engagement: Participate in community events or sponsor local teams or clubs. This not only raises your business's profile but also helps establish it as a community-focused local haunt!

  • Quality service: Providing exceptional service is the best marketing strategy. Ensure your laundromats are clean, machines are well-maintained, and staff are friendly and helpful. A positive customer experience often leads to word-of-mouth referrals, the most credible form of advertising.26


7. Time Management

You need to be able to manage your time. This is important for any business owner, but it's especially important for a multi-store business owner. You need to be able to juggle multiple tasks and priorities, along with your employees. Creating daily to-do lists for yourself and your employees will help manage all the different tasks that need to be completed throughout the day. Having a laundromat software like Cents can easily help with daily tasks.


8. Financial Management

Smart financial management is fundamental to the success of a multi-store laundromat business. From keeping track of income and expenses to budgeting for repairs and upgrades, careful financial planning ensures business sustainability and growth. Here are some key strategies:

  • Income and expense tracking: Accurate tracking of all income and expenses helps you understand your business's financial health. Utilize accounting software to record transactions and generate financial reports. Regularly check these reports to identify trends and make informed financial decisions.

  • Pricing strategy: Set competitive but profitable prices. Research local market rates and consider your costs, including utilities, supplies, maintenance, and labor. Periodically reassess your pricing strategy to ensure it aligns with market changes and your financial goals.

  • Budgeting: Plan your budget meticulously. Allocate funds for regular expenses such as salaries, utilities, and supplies. Also, save money for periodic costs like equipment maintenance and repairs. Remember to budget for upgrades and improvements to stay competitive and meet customer expectations.

  • Cash Flow Management: Ensure your income covers your expenses and leaves a profit. If your income is seasonal, plan for lean periods by building a cash reserve during profitable times. Efficient cash flow management is crucial to avoid financial strain and maintain operational continuity.

  • Investment and expansion: When planning for business expansion, consider the financial implications. Expanding too quickly can strain your resources, while delaying can mean missed opportunities. Create a detailed financial projection to guide your growth strategy.

  • Professional assistance: Consider engaging a professional accountant or financial advisor. They can offer expert advice, help with tax planning, and ensure compliance with financial regulations. This assistance can be invaluable in managing complex financial matters and planning for long-term financial success.


9. Support System

Lastly, you need to have a support system. For some, this could be the most important tip on this list! Running a multi-store business can be lonely. You need to have a supportive network of family, friends, and employees.

For more reading, browse our tips on finding, hiring, and retaining top laundry attendants.

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Imagine being able to manage and check into your locations at anytime, anywhere. Read our guide to remote management to find out how to save yourself time as a business owner!