Master Online Reviews & Reputation: Boost Laundromat Success

When shoppers do online research for local businesses, they’re not just looking for an online presence, they’re looking for reviews. This is particularly important information for laundromats, which rely almost solely on local customers. Today a simple click can either uplift or bury a business, so the power of online reviews is a major factor in shaping your laundromat's reputation.

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Here’s how it works: a prospective customer types "best laundromat near me" into their search engine. A list of local laundromats pop up accompanied by reviews. These reviews, made up of stars, comments, and customer experiences, paint a picture of what a new customer can expect from your laundromat. It's here, in the reviews, that new customers make decisions about where to bring their business.

This isn't just anecdotal. Studies have shown that over 90% of consumers read online reviews before making a purchasing decision, with 84% trusting these reviews as much as personal recommendations. For laundromats, which thrive on local patronage, this translates to an undeniable truth: online reviews are a digital endorsement for your business.

In an age where information is at our fingertips, consumers have become more empowered than ever. They seek transparency, authenticity, and quality in their service providers. Online reviews provide a peek into these aspects, offering a candid insight into the customer experience. Positive reviews can significantly enhance your brand's credibility, translating into increased customer confidence, and consequently, more foot traffic and higher revenue.

On the other hand, negative reviews carry an equal, if not more significant, weight. A single negative review can deter potential customers, particularly if it highlights concerns over cleanliness, machine quality, or customer service. In such cases, the ability to manage your online reputation becomes not just beneficial, but essential. 

Managing online reviews is controlling the narrative of your laundromat in the digital world. It's about cultivating a positive online presence that mirrors the quality and service you offer in the real world. For local businesses like laundromats, where competition is often just a block away, this is a vital component of survival and growth. In this blog post, we'll explore how to get laundromat reviews and why it’s important for laundromats to prioritize them in today's digital-first economy.

The impact of online reviews on laundromat businesses

Rooted deeply in the community, laundromats provide local conveniences that people rely on regularly. This reliance and the essential nature of the service make online reviews incredibly influential.

Statistics paint a clear picture of the overarching influence of online reviews on consumer decisions. A study by Harvard Business School found that a one-star increase in a business's Yelp rating led to a 5-9% increase in revenue. In the laundromat sector, where choices are often abundant, this finding underscores the direct correlation between positive reviews and business success.

In the laundromat sector, the importance of reviews becomes even more pronounced. For many customers, choosing a laundromat is not a one-off decision; it’s a commitment to a service they will use weekly. Factors like cleanliness, machine availability, pricing, and customer service are critical decision-making criteria. Online reviews become a window for potential customers to gauge these factors before they even set foot in your laundromat.

Negative reviews can have a disproportionately adverse effect on laundromats. Issues highlighted in reviews often pertain to the core aspects of the service—for instance, cleanliness issues or malfunctioning machines. This type of feedback can deter potential customers more effectively than in other industries, as these aspects are non-negotiable in the context of laundry services.

Online reviews for laundromats are influential determinants of public image and success. By understanding and harnessing the power of these reviews, laundromat businesses can significantly enhance their appeal, foster customer loyalty, and drive growth in an increasingly competitive market.

Laundromat marketing & customer outreach

You should use a multichannel approach to marketing your laundry business, leveraging both digital strategies and personal touches to gather valuable customer feedback and enhance your online presence.

Digital strategies 

There are a plethora of digital tools to choose from for engaging with customers and encouraging them to leave reviews. Email, SMS, and in-app prompts are effective ways to remind customers to share their experiences. For instance, an automated text message post-service can ask for feedback with a direct link to the review page. In-app prompts, in your laundromat service app, can nudge customers to rate their experience as part of the transaction process. These digital interactions can significantly increase the number of reviews your business receives.

Cents Accelerate

Platforms like Cents Accelerate offer integrated laundromat marketing solutions for laundromats to set operations and customer interactions to auto pilot. By leveraging an advanced platform like this, you can automate the process of requesting reviews post-service, ensuring a consistent approach to gathering feedback.

How to get laundromat reviews

  • Online design templates: Utilize resources like PosterMyWall to create eye-catching review request posters. These can be displayed prominently within the laundromat, adding a visually appealing element to the review request process.

  • Signage with QR codes: Placing signs with QR codes in visible areas simplifies the review process. Customers can quickly scan and be directed to the review platform, making it more likely for them to leave a review due to the convenience.

  • Feedback cards: Distributing feedback cards with a QR code or short URL as customers leave not only makes leaving a review easy but also adds a personal touch. Including a thank-you note on these cards enhances the customer's sense of being valued.

  • Digital screens/TVs: Digital screens can be used to display rotating messages encouraging reviews. This constant visual reminder can prompt customers to leave a review, especially if they are waiting for their laundry.

  • Point-of-sale requests: Training staff to ask for reviews during checkout can be highly effective. A friendly reminder from a staff member can make the request more personal and impactful.

  • Wi-Fi landing page: For laundromats offering free Wi-Fi, the login landing page is a great opportunity to request a review. This can be as simple as a message thanking them for their visit with a direct link to leave feedback.

  • Email follow-ups: Sending a thank you email after a visit with a review request is another effective strategy. This should be done respectfully, adhering to email marketing laws and ensuring the communication is not intrusive.

  • Loyalty program integration: Incorporating review requests into a loyalty program can provide an incentive for customers to leave reviews. Offering a small reward for leaving a review can motivate customers to share their experiences.

  • Social media engagement: Regularly posting on social media to remind followers to leave reviews can be effective. Engaging with customers on these platforms and providing direct links to review pages can increase the likelihood of them leaving feedback.

  • In-store events: Utilizing any in-store events as opportunities to ask for reviews can be effective, especially if done in a casual, conversational manner.

  • Personal touch: Personal requests from the owner or familiar staff members can be particularly effective with regular customers. A genuine conversation about the value of their feedback can encourage them to leave a review.

By implementing a mix of these strategies, you can increase the quantity of your laundromat’s online reviews and enhance the quality of the feedback received. This comprehensive approach to laundromat marketing and outreach ensures a steady stream of reviews, which will help maintain and boost the online reputation of the business.


How to write a compelling review request

Deciding on ways to collect reviews is only half of the journey. It’s also important to write a review request that influences your customers to take the next step. Here are some examples of effective review requests you can implement in your marketing and outreach strategy.

Text Message (SMS)

"Thanks for choosing [Laundromat Name]! We hope you had a pleasant experience. Could you take a moment to share your feedback? [Review Link]" Ensure the message is concise and includes a direct link to the review page.


Personalize emails to make customers feel valued. "Hello [Customer's Name], Thank you for visiting [Laundromat Name]! Your opinion matters to us! Would you mind sharing your experience on [Review Platform]? Here’s the link: [URL]. Your feedback helps us improve and serve you better."

Print Flyer

Use eye-catching graphics and a clear call-to-action, such as "Love our service? Tell us on Yelp!" Include QR codes for easy access.

Social Media Post

Post engaging content and weave in review requests. For example, share a customer's story or a new service update and add, “We’d love to hear your thoughts on this! Leave us a review on [Platform].”


Responding to online reviews: The good, the bad, and the ugly

laundry management blog img

Responding to online reviews is a delicate art form. In a digital format, where feedback is public, how you respond to reviews—the good and the bad—can significantly influence your reputation. A thoughtful approach to responding can transform even the most critical reviews into opportunities for improvement and customer loyalty.

Best practices for responding to positive reviews:

  1. Express gratitude: Always start by thanking the customer for their review. A simple “Thank you for your kind words, [Customer’s Name]!” goes a long way in showing appreciation and takes very little time.

  2. Personalize your response: Make your reply personal. Mention specific aspects of their review, such as “We’re glad you found our 24-hour service convenient!”

  3. Encourage repeat visits: Use this opportunity to invite them back, perhaps mentioning any new services or offers, “We hope to see you again soon – don’t forget to check out our new eco-friendly detergent range!”

  4. Share the feedback internally: Positive reviews can be great morale boosters. Share them with your team to acknowledge their hard work and reinforce good practices.

How to handle negative reviews:

  1. Respond promptly and politely: Address negative reviews quickly. Acknowledge the customer's concerns and apologize for any shortcomings, “We’re sorry to hear about your experience, [Customer’s Name].”

  2. Offer a solution: If appropriate, offer a solution or compensation. This could be a refund, a free service next time, or a promise to address the issue, “We’re taking steps to ensure our machines are regularly maintained.”

  3. Take the conversation offline: For complex issues, invite the customer to continue the conversation privately, “Please DM us your contact details so we can discuss this further.”

  4. Use negative feedback constructively: View negative reviews as feedback. They can highlight areas for improvement.

Dealing with unfair or fake reviews:

  1. Identify fake reviews: Be vigilant. Fake reviews often have vague content, no specific details, or might come from accounts with little to no activity.

  2. Flag or report when necessary: Most platforms allow you to report reviews that are fake, spam, or violate guidelines. Utilize these tools to maintain the integrity of your profile.

  3. Respond calmly: If the review is unfair but not removable, respond calmly and factually. State your case clearly, without being defensive, “Our records do not show any incidents like the one you described on [date]. Please contact us to discuss this matter further.”

In essence, responding to reviews is a critical component of online reputation management. It’s an opportunity to demonstrate excellent customer service, transparency, and a commitment to continuous improvement. By handling reviews professionally, you can enhance the reputation of your brand,  build trust, and foster customer loyalty.


Customer experience boosters

Enhancing customer experience is pivotal in motivating patrons to leave positive reviews. Going beyond the basics to provide an exceptional experience can turn a routine chore into a great experience for your customers. Here are some impactful strategies that can elevate the services and setting of your laundromat.

Create a comfortable and welcoming environment

  • Seating areas: Provide comfortable seating areas with amenities like free Wi-Fi and charging stations. This small touch can make the wait time more pleasant and productive for customers.

  • Clean and bright atmosphere: Maintain a spotlessly clean environment with good lighting. A bright, clean space is welcoming and instills confidence in the quality of your service.

Make convenience enhancements

  • Efficient machines: Invest in high-quality, efficient washing machines and dryers. Reducing the time customers spend doing laundry significantly enhances their overall experience.

  • Card or mobile payment options: Offer modern payment solutions like card or mobile payments for added convenience, moving away from the traditional coin-only systems.

Offer value-added services

  • Free detergent or fabric softener: Offering complimentary detergent or fabric softener can be a great surprise for customers, adding value to their visit.

  • Laundry folding services: Providing an optional laundry folding service can be a game-changer for busy customers, making their visit efficient and convenient.

Provide entertainment options

  • Books and magazines: A selection of magazines or books can make waiting times more enjoyable.

  • Play area for children: If space allows, a small play area for children can be a huge relief for parents, making their laundry routine less stressful.

Upgrade your refreshments

  • Vending machines: Install vending machines offering snacks and drinks. This small addition can be a significant convenience, especially for customers spending a longer time in the laundromat.

  • Complimentary coffee or water: Providing complimentary coffee or water is a welcoming gesture that can greatly enhance the customer experience.

Add some personal touches

  • Friendly and helpful staff: Ensure your staff are friendly, approachable, and ready to assist. Excellent customer service is often the most memorable aspect of a customer’s experience.

  • Community board: Set up a community board for local events, services, and notices, fostering a sense of community within your establishment.

Include special amenities

  • Wi-Fi access: Free Wi-Fi is a necessity. It allows customers to stay connected and productive while they wait.

  • Television: A TV set to appropriate programming can provide entertainment and make the wait seem shorter.

By implementing these customer experience boosters, you can enhance the appeal of your laundry services and put your business in the best possible position to receive positive reviews.


The influence of online reviews on laundromat success can’t be understated. Positive reviews can significantly boost a laundromat’s credibility and attract new customers, while negative feedback, if not handled correctly, can deter potential patrons. It’s imperative for laundromat owners like you to actively engage with online reviews, respond thoughtfully to feedback, and continuously strive to turn even the most critical reviews into opportunities for growth and improvement.

In the laundromat business, success in the digital age hinges not just on the quality of laundry services provided but equally on rigorous online reputation management and exceptional customer experience. By embracing a holistic approach that encompasses proactive review management, innovative marketing, advanced tools, and customer experience enhancements, your laundromat will thrive in the competitive landscape. Create a service and customer experience so compelling that leaving a positive online review becomes a natural response for your customers!

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